Apple has launched its latest iPad mini, packed with new artificial intelligence (AI) features, in a bid to enhance its devices and stay competitive in the ever-evolving tech landscape. Unveiled on Tuesday, the new iPad mini comes equipped with Apple's A17 Pro chip, the same powerhouse chip used in the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models. This six-core central processing unit (CPU) promises a significant boost in performance, with Apple claiming it will deliver a 30% improvement in CPU speed compared to the previous generation of iPad Minis. This powerful chip plays a crucial role in enabling Apple’s new AI software, called Apple Intelligence.
The A17 Pro chip is central to the iPad mini's ability to run advanced AI applications, making it a major selling point for consumers looking for more than just a tablet. One of the standout features of this device is its enhanced AI capabilities, which include writing tools designed to make tasks like note-taking and document editing more intuitive. The Siri assistant has also received a significant upgrade, making it smarter and more responsive to user commands.
Apple announced that the first set of AI features will be available this month through a software update in iPadOS 18.1, starting with the U.S. version in English. These AI features will be accessible to iPads powered by the A17 Pro or M1 chips and later models. Users can expect even more exciting additions over the next several months, with Apple planning to introduce tools for image generation, custom avatars known as Genmoji, and capabilities powered by ChatGPT, the popular AI language model.
This launch follows Apple's unveiling of its AI-enhanced iPhone 16 lineup in September. However, some investors expressed disappointment at the time, as the AI features were still in a testing phase, leaving them uncertain about the product's impact. Despite these concerns, market analysts are optimistic. A recent report by a leading research firm predicted that the iPhone 16 would boost Apple’s sales in the fourth quarter and maintain strong momentum into the first half of 2025. This projection follows Apple's impressive third-quarter results, which saw the company achieving record-high shipments.
The new iPad mini, priced at $499, is now available for pre-orders. Apple said customers who order early can expect their devices to arrive as soon as next week. The tablets will also be available in Apple retail stores across the country starting at the same time, giving tech enthusiasts a chance to experience the device’s new features in person.
As Apple continues to integrate more AI-powered tools into its devices, the tech giant is hoping that its latest offerings, including the iPad mini, will captivate consumers and strengthen its position in the competitive global market.