Frank Stronach, a prominent figure in Canadian business, finds himself entangled in a legal battle following the emergence of eight new charges brought against him by Peel Regional Police. These charges, which include six counts of sexual assault and two allegations of attempted rape and indecent assault, mark a significant escalation in an ongoing investigation into historical sexual assault cases spanning several decades.
Now aged 91, Stronach faces a total of 13 charges since his initial arrest on June 7. The allegations date back to incidents reported from the 1980s up to 2023. Authorities have not disclosed specific details about these incidents or the number of additional victims identified in relation to the new charges. Further information has been sought from Peel police to clarify these recent developments.
Upon his arrest, Stronach was released on bail under stringent conditions. These conditions include surrendering his passport, notifying police of any change in residence, and adhering to a prohibition against contacting the three individuals who lodged the initial complaints leading to his arrest. His next court appearance is scheduled for July 8 in Brampton to address the initial set of charges.
It is vital to note that none of the allegations against Stronach have been substantiated in court. His legal representative, Brian Greenspan, has stated unequivocally that Stronach denies all accusations and is prepared to mount a robust defense. Greenspan highlighted Stronach's extensive philanthropic efforts and his significant contributions to Canada's business landscape over his career.
Frank Stronach, who founded Magna International Inc., a major global automotive parts manufacturer based in Ontario, has not maintained an active role within the company since stepping down from its leadership in 2010. Additionally, his involvement with The Stronach Group, a company focused on entertainment and real estate development that he established, has diminished in recent years, according to a spokesperson for the organization.