In a bizarre turn of events, chaos ensued at the Vollmer Culture and Recreation Complex in LaSalle, Ont., as a deer found its way into the pool area, sparking a frenzy among staff and patrons alike.
The scene unfolded on Sunday afternoon, captured in a now-viral video shared across social media platforms. Witnesses were stunned as they watched a staff member desperately attempt to corral the unexpected visitor, the deer, as it careened around the poolside before leaping into the water.
Francesco Siino, who was present during the surreal incident, recounted the disbelief that swept through the facility. "My kid was at swimming lessons, and he just got done. We were in the changing rooms and a parent rushed in and said, 'You guys won't believe this. There's a deer in the swimming pool.' I thought there was no way," Siino recalled.
Determined to capture the unbelievable sight, Siino whipped out his phone to record the spectacle, recognizing the incredulity that would meet his account without evidence. "I just thought I need to get this on video because no one's going to believe me. If I told you a deer broke in, there's no way you would believe me," he explained.
The entire episode, from the deer's unexpected entrance to its eventual removal by staff, unfolded in a whirlwind lasting no more than 15 minutes, Siino estimated. LaSalle Mayor Crystal Meloche confirmed that the deer had breached the premises by leaping through a window before being gently ushered out by employees.
Yet, amidst the bizarre spectacle, concerns arose regarding the safety of the pool area, particularly due to the shattered glass left in the deer's wake. Mayor Meloche emphasized that until the necessary repairs are made, and the area is deemed safe for public use, the pool will remain closed.
As cleanup efforts commence and the community reflects on the extraordinary events of that Sunday afternoon, one thing remains clear: in the serene setting of a recreational centre, the unexpected can always dive.