In a disturbing incident earlier this month, the Winnipeg Police Service is actively seeking three suspects in connection with an assault and forcible confinement case at a Manitoba Housing complex. The victim, a 27-year-old woman, was subjected to physical assault until she lost consciousness and was forcibly confined for an extended period. The incident came to light when officers responded to a hospital report on December 10, where the woman was being treated for multiple physical injuries.
Sergeant Gary Mathez from the police service’s sex crimes unit revealed that the woman had been restrained since the afternoon of December 9. The manner of restraint left her incapacitated and unable to defend herself against her assailants. The perpetrators, according to investigators, later placed the still-restrained woman into a dumpster on December 10, abandoning her at the scene. Fortunately, her cries for help were heard by someone nearby, leading to her rescue and subsequent hospitalization.
Mathez expressed concern over the victim's ordeal, suggesting she may have been in the dumpster for at least an hour. He emphasized the grim possibility that she might not have been able to free herself without external assistance, condemning the incident as a complete disregard for human life.
Video surveillance has played a crucial role in the investigation, capturing significant evidence related to the case. Notably, it appears that the victim had no prior connection with the suspects. According to Mathez, the victim attended the Manitoba Housing complex with another individual, whose identity is yet to be determined.
While two individuals, a man and a woman, were apprehended on December 14 in connection with the incident, the police are actively seeking three additional suspects: Joey Michael Audy (35 years old), Evelyn Marie McKay (40 years old), and Romeo Chris Miles (27 years old). Audy faces a charge of attempted murder, while Miles and McKay are wanted on charges of robbery and forcible confinement. It's crucial to note that the charges against the three suspects have not been proven in court.
Authorities are urging the public to exercise caution and immediately contact 911 if any of the suspects are spotted, advising against approaching them directly. The investigation remains ongoing, with the hope that the perpetrators responsible for this distressing incident will be swiftly brought to justice.