HMD Global, the company behind Nokia-branded phones, has teamed up with Mattel to launch a special edition feature phone inspired by Barbie. This new device, known as the HMD Barbie Phone, combines a playful retro design with the iconic pink color associated with Barbie. The phone, priced at £99 ($131.24), will be available starting Wednesday.
The HMD Barbie Phone is a feature phone with basic functions: users can make calls and send texts, but it does not support social media apps. The phone's Barbie-pink keypad features unique designs like palm trees, hearts, and flamingos that glow in the dark, adding a touch of fun and nostalgia to the device.
This launch celebrates the 65th anniversary of the Barbie doll and comes on the heels of the blockbuster success of last year’s "Barbie" movie, which earned $1.4 billion worldwide. Despite its novelty, industry experts like Ben Wood from CCS Insight predict that while many may be intrigued by the phone’s charm, it might not replace the smartphone for most people. "I’d imagine quite a few people will be tempted to buy it as a bit of fun," Wood commented, noting the challenge of using such a device as more than just a temporary break from smartphones.
HMD Global, based in Finland and supported by major tech firms like Google and Qualcomm, has a history of reviving classic Nokia phones such as the 3210 and 3310. With its latest Barbie-themed release, the company is aiming to attract both Barbie enthusiasts and those looking for a whimsical and straightforward mobile experience.
The HMD Barbie Phone will be available in the UK through Vodafone and Argos, with an estimated 400,000 units potentially sold, according to CCS Insight. This launch underscores HMD Global's strategy of blending nostalgia with modern trends to capture consumer interest.