Keke Palmer, the talented actress known for her role in Nope, stunned fans on Wednesday in New York City with four incredible fashion looks as part of her media tour for her latest movie One Of Them Days. The 31-year-old star, styled by Zoe Costello, displayed an array of stunning outfits from top fashion houses, including Dior, Schiaparelli, Stella McCartney, and Tom Ford. Each outfit had its own flair, featuring a mix of bold colors, luxurious fabrics, and eye-catching accessories.
The actress chose a striking and daring outfit. Getty Images
Keke kicked off her promotional day in a stunning green suit from Dior’s fall 1998 collection, sourced from Tab Vintage. The tailored ensemble included a waist-cinching jacket with a fur panel and straight-leg trousers that were cuffed at the ends to showcase her nude Louboutin heels. To finish the look, she carried a Chloe bag with a gold chain strap and wore golden chandelier earrings, which complemented her vibrant auburn hair styled in a bouncy blowout. The combination of the bold green suit and her fiery hair made for an unforgettable appearance on the Today Show, where she discussed her upcoming film with Jenna Bush Hager.
Keke looked stunning in a leather outfit. Getty Images
Next up, Keke’s fashion choices became even bolder. For her segment on Good Morning America, she wore a fiery orange satin corset dress by Stella McCartney, paired with a soft pink fur coat for extra warmth. The dress was accessorized with a white Lady Dior bag and a pair of red Saint Laurent heels adorned with gold hardware, adding a pop of color to her already striking look. During her chat with Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos, Keke exuded confidence in this eye-catching outfit.
The actress looked effortlessly stylish in a Schiaparelli outfit. Getty Images
The fashion parade didn’t stop there. For her appearance on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Keke opted for a chic all-black ensemble. She wore a black leather skirt with metal studs, paired with a black knit crop top. The sultry look was complemented with knee-high leather boots and a black trench coat, giving Keke a fierce, stylish edge.
Later in the day, Keke turned heads once again in a black Schiaparelli mini-dress. The dress featured an oversized belt detail at the bodice, and she layered a black trench coat over it for warmth. To complete the elegant ensemble, Keke added bold pearl and gold earrings, ensuring that her look remained both glamorous and striking throughout the evening.
Keke turned heads in the stunning Schiaparelli outfit. Getty Images
The following day, Keke continued to impress with her sense of style. For her appearance on the Kelly Clarkson Show, she donned a cozy yet chic Schiaparelli plaid coat paired with a matching mini skirt. The outfit was accessorized with a stylish black leather cap, a simple Wolford roll-neck, and black leather Tom Ford boots, creating a look that was both comfortable and fashionable.
Keke Palmer’s fashion choices for her movie promotion proved that she is a true style icon, effortlessly mixing bold colors, luxurious textures, and a range of accessories to make each look unique and unforgettable.