Aishwarya Rai Bachchan graced the red carpet at the 76th edition of the film festival in a stunning custom gown by Falguni Shane Peacock. Despite wearing a white plaster on her hand due to a possible injury, her elegance remained undiminished. The black and white gown was specifically designed to complement her hand plaster, making it an unexpected yet striking accessory. Aishwarya, who won the Miss World title in 1994, has been a regular at the film festival since her debut in 2002 for her film "Devdas." This year, she attended the premiere of Francis Ford Coppola's film "Megalopolis."
The gown featured a corseted bodice made of black taffeta with voluminous white puff sleeves, creating a dramatic, Cinderella-like effect. The highlight of her outfit was the intricate gold detailing. The bust of the gown had molten gold accents, and the train was decorated with hand-beaten gold flowers. Designers Falguni and Shane Peacock chose gold to honor Aishwarya, believing it represented the timelessness of her career and persona.
For her makeup, Aishwarya chose winged eyeliner to accentuate her iconic eyes and a nude pink shade for her lips. She styled her hair in an updo with brown highlights, moving away from her usual sleek straight look. To complete her ensemble, she wore heavy gold half-hoop earrings, making a bold statement. While her new hairstyle showcased her features beautifully, some felt her bold fashion choices sometimes overshadowed her natural beauty.
Aishwarya has represented India on the international stage every year, showcasing a variety of looks from both Indian and international designers. Last year, she walked the red carpet in a metallic silver gown by Sophie Couture. The gown featured a dramatic, exaggerated collar cinched with a black bow, giving her a chic, aluminum foil wrap look. She completed that look with her signature red lips and sleek straight hair.