Apple has declared the imminent release of its inaugural mixed reality headset, the Vision Pro, in the United States, slated for February. Pre-orders are set to commence on January 19, both online and at all US Apple Store locations. This much-anticipated device, introduced at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2023, operates on the visionOS platform, accommodating augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies.
The official launch date for the Apple Vision Pro in the US is confirmed for February 2, as per Apple's announcement on its newsroom platform. It will be available across all US Apple Store outlets and the online platform. Potential users can sign up for firsthand experience at the company's retail outlets. Preorders kick off on January 19 at 5:00 am PST (6.30 pm IST).
Starting at $3,499 (approximately Rs. 2,90,000) with 256GB storage, the Apple Vision Pro package includes a Solo Knit Band, Dual Loop Band, Light Seal, two Light Seal Cushions, polishing cloth, battery, USB Type-C cable, and USB Type-C adapter. Additionally, an Apple Vision Pro cover for the device's front will be provided.
For users requiring vision correction, ZEISS Optical Inserts are available with prescription or as readers attaching magnetically to the Vision Pro. Apple specifies a $99 (roughly Rs. 8,000) cost for readers and $149 (roughly Rs. 12,000) for prescription lenses.
Details regarding prices and release schedules outside the US are yet to be disclosed.
Introduced at the WWDC event last year, the Apple Vision Pro marks the company's venture into spatial computing. It houses two high-resolution micro-OLED displays, driven by Apple's M2 chips, and incorporates an R1 chip for processing input from 12 cameras, five sensors, and six microphones. The headset features a three-dimensional user interface and input system controlled via users' eyes, hands, and voice. The Digital Crown enables users to modulate immersion levels in diverse environments.
With claims of compatibility with over 1 million apps from iOS and iPadOS, the Apple Vision Pro integrates seamlessly with the new input system. It can be paired with a Magic Keyboard and Trackpad for productivity purposes, allowing streaming from platforms like Apple TV+, Disney+ Max, and more. Additionally, it caters to gaming enthusiasts with access to over 250 Apple Arcade titles.