Burt, the legendary saltwater crocodile who captured hearts with his brief but iconic appearance in the 1986 film Crocodile Dundee, has passed away at the remarkable age of 90. Known for his fiery temperament and striking presence, Burt lived at Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin, Australia, where he became a beloved symbol of the region’s wildlife.
Born in the wild and captured in the Reynolds River during the 1980s, Burt measured over 16 feet in length. His imposing size and strong personality made him a standout among crocodiles and an unforgettable resident of the aquarium. Crocosaurus Cove described him as “a force of nature,” adding, “He wasn’t just a crocodile; he was a reminder of the power and majesty of these incredible creatures.” His independent nature earned him the title of a “confirmed bachelor” during his earlier years on a crocodile farm.
Burt’s fame skyrocketed thanks to his cameo in Crocodile Dundee. In the film, starring Paul Hogan as Mick Dundee, Burt briefly appeared in a scene where Sue Charlton, played by Linda Kozlowski, is attacked by a crocodile while refilling her canteen at a watering hole. However, the crocodile prominently featured in the rescue scene was later identified as an American alligator—a cinematic mix-up that added an amusing twist to Burt’s role in the film. Despite the error, Burt’s lunging scene became an unforgettable moment, securing his place in cinematic history.
Since 2008, Burt had resided at Crocosaurus Cove, where he continued to captivate visitors from around the world. The aquarium is famous for its “Cage of Death,” a thrilling crocodile dive experience that allows participants to come face-to-face with these apex predators. The aquarium plans to commemorate Burt’s extraordinary life with a special sign celebrating his unique story and the countless interactions he shared with visitors.
Although Burt’s personality could be challenging, his charm was undeniable. His caretakers and the thousands of guests who visited him over the years admired his raw power and individuality. “While his personality could be challenging, it was also what made him so memorable,” Crocosaurus Cove noted in a heartfelt tribute.
Burt’s passing marks the end of an era for Crocosaurus Cove and his many fans worldwide. His legacy as a wild, untamed spirit who bridged the gap between humans and the majestic world of crocodiles will live on.