India's competition watchdog has taken action against Google, launching an investigation into allegations of discriminatory practices regarding its in-app billing system. This move follows a prolonged disagreement between Indian startups and Google over the fees associated with in-app payments.
The friction between Google and Indian startups has been ongoing, primarily concerning the charges levied by Google for processing in-app transactions. Tensions escalated recently when Google removed over 100 Indian applications from its app store due to billing-related violations. However, following intervention by the Indian government, these apps were reinstated.
Responding to the concerns raised by startups, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has initiated an investigation, citing Google's alleged discriminatory implementation of its policies. The CCI has set a deadline of 60 days for its investigation unit to complete the probe.
A spokesperson from Google stated that the company is reviewing the CCI's order and intends to fully cooperate with the investigation process. Google has maintained that its fee structure for in-app payments is justified, emphasizing that it supports investments in the Google Play app store and the Android operating system.
The core of the dispute revolves around Indian startups' attempts to resist Google's imposition of fees ranging from 11% to 26% on in-app transactions. This resistance stems from a previous directive by India's antitrust authorities in 2022, instructing Google to revise its fee structure of 15% to 30%.
Google contends that its fee is essential for maintaining the infrastructure of its app store and operating system, which it provides free of charge. Despite the ongoing investigation, Google denies any wrongdoing and maintains its stance on the matter.
The CCI's scrutiny extends beyond the current investigation, as it has been examining complaints from startups regarding Google's alleged non-compliance with previous antitrust directives. These directives were aimed at preventing Google from taking punitive actions against companies that opt for alternative billing systems.
As the investigation unfolds, stakeholders await further developments, anticipating potential implications for the relationship between tech giants and emerging startups in India's digital ecosystem.