Jamie Foxx, the acclaimed actor and singer, found himself in a distressing situation during a birthday celebration at a popular Beverly Hills restaurant on Friday night. Foxx, who was dining at the upscale Mr. Chow, was struck in the face by a thrown glass, resulting in a wound that required stitches. The incident occurred while Foxx was celebrating his 57th birthday, and it quickly attracted attention after being reported by his representatives.
The details surrounding what led to the glass being thrown remain unclear. A spokesperson for Foxx explained that someone from a nearby table threw the glass, hitting him in the mouth. As a result, Foxx had to receive medical attention and stitches to treat the injury. His representative confirmed that Foxx is recovering well from the incident.
In the aftermath of the attack, the Beverly Hills Police Department responded to the scene around 10 p.m. They initially received a report suggesting the assault involved a deadly weapon. However, upon investigation, the authorities found no evidence of a weapon being involved, and the matter appeared to be a physical altercation between parties. The police completed a preliminary investigation and filed a report documenting the battery, but no arrests were made.
Foxx, known for his role in the Oscar-winning film Ray, took to Instagram on Sunday to thank his fans and well-wishers for their support. In his post, he offered an uplifting message, stating, “The devil is busy… but I’m too blessed to be stressed.” His lighthearted response showed his resilience in the face of the unexpected incident.
While the police continue their investigation, the incident has left many curious about the motives behind the altercation. As of now, it remains unclear what sparked the dispute that led to the glass being thrown at the actor. Foxx’s representatives have not elaborated further on the circumstances, leaving fans to wait for more details.
Foxx's birthday celebration, which was meant to be a joyful occasion, was unfortunately marred by the incident. However, the actor's quick recovery and positive attitude have impressed many. Foxx, who has enjoyed a highly successful career, including his memorable portrayal of Ray Charles in the biographical film Ray, remains a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Despite this setback, it appears that Foxx is not letting the incident affect his spirits.
The Beverly Hills Police Department has yet to provide more information on the matter, and further updates may follow as their investigation continues. For now, Foxx is focusing on his recovery, showing strength in the face of an unpleasant situation.