Tyler Perry’s new film tells the incredible true story of the first and only Black women’s battalion to serve overseas during World War II. The movie sheds light on the extraordinary efforts of 855 women who traveled from the United States to Birmingham, England, to tackle a monumental task: clearing a two-year backlog of 17 million undelivered letters meant for soldiers and their families.
The battalion was based at King Edward's School, in Edgbaston, Birmingham
The battalion, known as the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, was led by Major Charity Adams, the first Black woman to command an overseas unit in the U.S. Army. Actress Kerry Washington, who portrays Adams, described the story as one of resilience and determination. "These women faced impossible odds," Washington said. "Their story resonates with anyone who has ever felt underestimated or marginalized."
The Six Triple Eight is released on Netflix on Friday, 20 December
In the film, Major Adams rallies her team with a powerful address: “Ladies, we’ve been ordered to provide hope and connection to soldiers on the front lines and their families back home. Or… let them know their loved ones have fallen in battle.”
Charity Adams is played by the actress Kerry Washington
The 6888th was up against enormous challenges. The letters were stored in damp hangars, many with illegible addresses. Others had already attempted to tackle the backlog and failed. Yet these women accomplished the task in just three months—half the time they were given.
Kerry Washington recalls a moment of deep connection to her character during filming. A crew member brought her a trunk that had belonged to Major Adams, containing personal belongings like handwritten notes and garden seeds. "It was a powerful moment,” Washington said. “It felt as though she was with us, encouraging us to honor her legacy.”
Director Tyler Perry, who also wrote and produced the film, highlights how the battalion’s work was pivotal for morale during the war. "When there’s no mail, there’s low morale," Perry explained. “These women proved that even in the face of doubt and discrimination, they could succeed.”
Kerry Washington and Tyler Perry said the story had many layers to it
The battalion’s story is one of perseverance not only against the challenges of war but also racism and sexism. As Washington notes, even after returning home, the women faced prejudice and unfounded rumors about their service. “Many of them never talked about their accomplishments because of the discrimination they endured,” she said.
The late Elizabeth Barker Johnson, a member of the 6888th, recalled her experiences decades later. In a moment that stuck with her, she found a watch in a package with a soldier’s name and number engraved on it. "I forwarded it to him, and it made me feel good knowing it would reach him," she said in a 2018 interview.
The true story of the African American women has been made into a film by director and writer Tyler PerryLast year, families of the battalion members visited their former barracks in Birmingham, retracing the steps of their loved ones. For many descendants, it was a chance to learn about a chapter of history that had long been overlooked.