A tragic stampede at the Maha Kumbh Mela in northern India claimed the lives of more than seven people and left around ten others injured early Wednesday morning. The incident occurred as tens of millions of devotees gathered at the confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers in Prayagraj for a holy dip on what is regarded as the most auspicious day of the six-week Hindu festival.
Drone footage captured the sheer scale of the gathering, with devotees arriving shoulder to shoulder before dawn to participate in the sacred ritual. However, the joyous occasion turned grim as chaos erupted near the riverbank, leaving a trail of discarded belongings, anguished cries, and lifeless bodies.
Security forces move toward the scene of a fatal stampede that occurred ahead of the second "Shahi Snan" (royal bath) at the Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj, India, on January 29, 2025. REUTERS
Eyewitness accounts painted a harrowing picture of the events. Vijay Kumar, a pilgrim from Patna, described how the crowd surged with immense force, leading to people falling over each other. “There were barricades in front of us and police with batons on the other side. The push from behind was very powerful...people started falling," he said. "There were people lying all around; I don’t know if they were dead or alive."
Another woman, who managed to survive, shared her heartbreaking experience. "People kept stepping on us. I am safe, but my mother has died," she told reporters, her voice heavy with grief.
Security officers help an individual following a crowd crush at the Kumbh Mela festival in Prayagraj, India, on January 29, 2025. CNN
The cause of the stampede, which reportedly occurred around 1 a.m. local time, remains unclear. Officials stated that only one stampede took place and that rescue efforts were swiftly initiated. Special units, including the Rapid Action Force (RAF), were deployed to bring the situation under control and provide aid to the injured.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally contacted Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to oversee the relief efforts and normalize the situation. Adityanath urged devotees to cooperate with authorities and consider taking holy dips at alternative riverbanks to avoid further chaos. "Follow the instructions of the administration and help ensure proper arrangements," he appealed on social media.
Worshippers gather at the scene of a crowd crush in Prayagraj on January 29, 2025. CNN
Despite the tragedy, the festival continued, with the sacred royal bath resuming after a brief pause. Authorities reported that nearly 200 million people had already attended the festival over the previous two weeks, and a record-breaking turnout of 100 million was anticipated on this day, thanks to a rare celestial alignment occurring after 144 years.
Criticism of the event’s management soon surfaced. Opposition leader Mallikarjun Kharge blamed the stampede on "half-baked arrangements" and mismanagement, urging both state and federal governments to improve crowd control measures.
Security forces are present at the location of the crowd crush in Prayagraj. CNN
This is not the first time the Maha Kumbh Mela has witnessed such a tragedy. In 2013, a similar stampede on the most auspicious day of the festival claimed the lives of 36 pilgrims, mostly women. While authorities had introduced measures like AI-based crowd management and increased security this year, the enormity of the gathering remains a significant challenge.
Despite the sorrowful turn of events, millions of devotees remain steadfast in their faith, continuing their pilgrimage to one of the world’s largest religious gatherings.