In Davao, Philippines, a tragic incident unfolded as a landslide, triggered by incessant heavy rain over several days, engulfed a house where individuals had gathered for Christian prayers. The calamity claimed the lives of at least seven people, including children, and left two individuals in critical condition, according to a statement from a disaster-response official.
The landslide struck in a remote mountain village situated in the gold-mining town of Monkayo, within the Davao de Oro province. Ednar Dayanghirang, the regional chief of the government's Office of Civil Defence, reported on Thursday night that between five and ten people remained missing in the aftermath of the disaster. Regrettably, rescue efforts had to be temporarily halted on Thursday afternoon due to the persistent heavy rains, posing an imminent risk of additional landslides. However, search and rescue operations recommenced on Friday in a bid to locate any remaining survivors.
Dayanghirang shared a poignant detail about the incident, mentioning that the victims were engaged in prayer inside the house when the landslide struck. He emphasized the sorrowful reality of the situation on the ground.
Beyond the landslide, the days of unrelenting heavy rainfall led to widespread flooding in low-lying villages, displacing over 6,000 people across two other provinces. The adverse weather conditions stemmed from a meteorological phenomenon known locally as a shear line, representing the convergence of warm and cold air masses. This meteorological activity is not uncommon in the Philippines, with the archipelago experiencing approximately 20 storms and typhoons annually, particularly during the rainy season that commences in June.
The Philippines has a history of grappling with devastating natural disasters. Notably, in 2013, Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful storms on record, claimed over 7,300 lives and caused extensive destruction. Entire villages were flattened, ships were swept inland, and more than 5 million people were displaced in the central part of the country.
In summary, a tragic landslide in Davao, Philippines, resulting from continuous heavy rainfall, claimed the lives of at least seven individuals, including children, with several others still missing. Rescue efforts were temporarily hampered by ongoing rains, but operations resumed in the hopes of finding survivors. The incident occurred against the backdrop of widespread flooding in other provinces, underscoring the vulnerability of the region to adverse weather conditions.