Telegram, a widely-used messaging service, has introduced a comprehensive update encompassing various enhancements, available on both Android and iOS platforms. The latest version, Telegram 10.5.0, launched on December 31, introduces notable improvements to calling features, message deletion animations, and a substantial overhaul to the bot platform.
One of the primary focuses of this update lies in refining the calling functionality within the app. Telegram has completely revamped its calling interface, infusing it with dynamic animations and adaptive backgrounds that change according to call status—whether incoming, active, or concluded. This redesign aims not only to enhance visual appeal but also to optimize resource usage, thereby reducing battery consumption and ensuring smoother operation, particularly on older devices. Furthermore, the update brings enhancements to call quality, with additional improvements on the horizon, promising better connection stability and audio quality in subsequent updates.
Another eye-catching addition is the inclusion of a Thanos snap-inspired animation for message deletion. Initially introduced as an experimental feature exclusively for auto-deleted messages on iOS in November, this disintegration animation is now extended to any message deletion action on both iOS and Android versions of the Telegram app.
The most substantial change in this update is the extensive upgrade to Telegram's bot platform. Bots on Telegram, serving as automated tools and features, now possess expanded capabilities. They can now react to messages, manage reactions, quotes, and links, and even send replies to other chats or topics, among various other functionalities, marking what Telegram asserts as the most significant bot platform update in its history.
Previously, in October of the preceding year, Telegram had introduced advanced reply options, allowing users to quote specific segments of any message for replies. Additionally, the app provided customization options for link previews and allowed Premium users to personalize their account colors.
These consistent updates from Telegram highlight the platform's commitment to improving user experience and expanding functionalities for its diverse user base, delivering a more refined and feature-rich messaging service.