Apple has commenced the rollout of iOS 17.4.1 to eligible iPhone models, featuring a handful of bug fixes and security enhancements, the company announced. This minor update follows closely on the heels of iOS 17.4, which debuted on March 5th, introducing support for third-party app stores in the European Union, Apple Podcasts transcripts, and a batch of new emoji. Alongside iOS 17.4.1, Apple has also released iPadOS 17.4.1, which includes similar crucial fixes.
Similar to prior iOS 17 iterations, the latest update, iOS 17.4.1, is accessible for download on iPhone XS and newer versions, while iPadOS 17.4.1 can be installed on compatible iPad models, including iPad Mini, iPad Pro, and iPad Air. Users with iPhone 8 series, iPhone X, and certain older iPad models can opt for iOS 16.7.7 and iPadOS 16.7.7.
According to Apple's release notes, iOS 17.4.1 brings "important bug fixes and security updates" and is recommended for all users. However, specific details regarding the addressed security vulnerabilities are yet to be disclosed, with Apple indicating that this information will be provided at a later time. The company's website offers a similar message concerning the iPadOS 17.4.1 update.
Earlier in the month, Apple introduced iOS 17.4, focusing on EU users with several adjustments to comply with the Digital Markets Act. Notably, this includes permitting third-party app stores within the EU and offering users the option to set third-party browsers as default apps on iOS devices. However, these alterations are exclusive to iOS in the EU, as iPadOS 17.4 was rolled out concurrently without these modifications.
In addition to facilitating these regulatory adjustments, the iOS 17.4 and iPadOS 17.4 updates introduced a fresh batch of emojis, including mushrooms, phoenixes, limes, broken chains, and shaking heads. Users who update to these versions can now utilize and view these emojis across various applications.
Apple also enhanced its Stolen Device Protection feature with the iOS 17.4 update, alongside enabling transcriptions for Apple Podcasts. Furthermore, Siri's capabilities were expanded to include reading messages in various languages, while owners of the latest iPhone 15 series gained access to detailed battery information within the Battery Health section of the Settings app.
To install the iOS 17.4.1 update on your iPhone or iPadOS 17.4.1 on your iPad, navigate to the Settings app, select General, then tap on Software Update, and finally, hit Install Now. It is advisable to ensure that your devices are connected to a charger during the installation process.