The well-known Hotel Zone in Cancun, located in Quintana Roo, Mexico (Adobe Stock)
Fonatur with the Trust for the Strengthening of Tourism Activity in Quintana Roo (Foatqroo). This new entity, announced on July 16 per Riviera Maya News, will oversee critical areas like the Cancun Hotel Zone and Cozumel Marina.
With an initial budget of 155.7 million Mexican pesos (about US$8.7 million) sourced from Fonatur's annual budget, Foatqroo will operate under the state’s Secretariat of Planning and Finance. A technical committee, comprising local and expert stakeholders from public and private sectors, will steer decision-making.
Foatqroo inherits various unfinished projects from Fonatur, such as Cozumel’s Comprehensive Tourism Project (PTO), the modernization of El Rey wastewater treatment plant, and the rehabilitation of Playa Pez Volador. These projects are crucial for enhancing tourism infrastructure across Quintana Roo.
The establishment of this public trust aims to bolster tourism activities by effectively managing assets and ensuring financial accountability. It will focus on maintaining and operating public and urban infrastructure, managing storm drainage, and wastewater treatment. This move is pivotal for advancing the state’s tourism initiatives and sustainable development goals.