Mauro Morandi, a man who spent over three decades living off the grid on a deserted Mediterranean island, has passed away at 85. Morandi, known as the modern-day Robinson Crusoe, was the last resident of Budelli Island, located off the coast of Sardinia, Italy.
Morandi’s story began in 1989 when he was shipwrecked while attempting to sail to Polynesia. He had embarked on this journey to escape the pressures of modern society and consumerism. As luck would have it, just as he was stranded on the island, Budelli’s previous caretaker was about to retire. Seizing the opportunity, Morandi took over the role and settled into life on the island.
Over the years, Morandi became known for his solitary and self-sufficient existence. He lived in a house built from natural materials like coral, granite, and shells, blending in perfectly with the beautiful surroundings. He maintained the island, cleaned its beaches, and even created a makeshift solar power system to provide for his energy needs. His life was simple and free from the complications of modern society, making him a symbol of peaceful solitude.
However, his unique way of life came to an end in 2021 when Italian authorities decided to convert Budelli Island into a nature park, and Morandi was evicted. Although heartbroken by the decision, Morandi moved to La Maddalena, an archipelago off Sardinia, where he lived in a one-bedroom apartment. Despite the challenges of adjusting to a new life, Morandi found contentment and spoke fondly of his new routine.
“It’s never really over,” he said in a 2021 interview. “I’m the living proof that a second, new life is possible. You can always start all over again, even if you’re over 80.” Morandi, though in his 80s, embraced the comforts of modern life, admitting that the change had brought him joy.
In recent months, Morandi's health began to decline. After a fall last summer, he entered a nursing home in Sassari, Sardinia. Later, he moved to Modena, his birthplace, where he had worked as a physical education teacher before retreating to the island. Morandi passed away over the weekend after his health worsened.
In a heartfelt tribute on social media, his friends promised to scatter his ashes at sea, fulfilling his wish for his final resting place to be in the waters he had known so well.
Morandi’s life was a testament to the possibility of living simply, rejecting the clutter of modern life, and finding peace in solitude. His story inspired many, showing that it's never too late to start anew, no matter where life takes you.